What is the average height of a Filipino? Is 5’7 tall in the Philippines?
What is the average height of a Filipino? If you want to find out, take some time to read through this short three-minute post!
In 2019, an Insider article shared the story of Junrey Balawing, a 25-year-old Filipino who was recognized as the world's smallest living man. He is 1 foot and 11.58 inches! That’s only nearly two rulers stacked on each other!
Junrey Balawing drew attention to Filipinos and raised the question, “What is the average height of a Filipino?” The conclusion was that Filipinos are indeed among the shortest people in the world!
The average Filipino is approximately 5 feet and 1.57 inches, which places the country 5th on Insider’s list of the 25 shortest countries.
This comes as a surprise for many because the Filipinos we see on TV are tall. For example, we may all know the basketball star Raul Dillo in the Philippines is 7 feet and 3 inches tall.
The normal height of Filipino male
At this point, you may be wondering what the normal height of a Filipino male is. Male Filipinos are, on average, around 5 feet and 3 inches tall. This means that the average height for Filipino males is only an inch below the average height for other Southeast Asian males.
So, it is safe to say that 5’7 in the Philippines is considered tall.
The normal height of Filipino males is roughly 5 feet and 3 inches
Surprisingly, however, Filipino males are higher than Indonesian males by less than an inch, on average.
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The average height of Filipino women
Do you have any female Filipino friends? If you do, can you guess what the average height of Filipino women is?
According to a survey by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations DNA, female Filipinos are roughly 4 feet and 11 inches tall.
To grasp this visually, you can compare female Filipinos to their Southeast Asian counterparts, whose average height is 5 feet.
Filipino women are on average 4 feet and 11 inches tall
Are Filipinos getting higher or shorter?
The average height for a Filipino male, aged 20 to 39, in 2003 was around 5 feet and 4.4 inches. But 10 years later, in 2013, this average still levied at about the same range - 5 feet and 4.2 inches. So, the average height of Filipino males has not changed significantly throughout the years.
It is not much different for females either. In 2003, the average height of Filipino women, aged 20 to 39, was 4 foot and 11.7 inches, and 4 feet and 6 inches in 2013.
These statistics emerged as the Philippines’ senate reconsidered the height requirement for police and military recruits. However, it also had strong implications around stunted growth due to a lack of nutrition and adequate health programs. As such, these numbers helped nudge the government to rigorously strive to improve the health of the nation.
It is believed that many Filipinos suffer from stunted growth
Compared to the most recent averages, it is safe to assume that the average height for male Filipinos has decreased while Filipino women are growing higher, on average.
Tips to grow taller
If you find yourself reflecting on your height and are not happy with your short stature, Corner4men.com prepared you a few tips to become taller.
Maintain a balanced diet
Ensure that you are not running short of any vital nutrients
Committing to a healthy, balanced diet will help you reach your maximum height because it gives your body the necessary nutrients.
You should make sure that your daily calorie intake comes from fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and lean protein while avoiding empty calories from foods, such as cakes, pizzas, and ice cream.
Also, ensure that you are not running short of any vital nutrients, like zinc. Zinc deficiency can stunt growth. So, make sure your meals include zinc-rich items.
Staying active by exercising and playing sports
Engaging in a variety of physical activities each day by exercising and/or playing sports will also assist you in growing taller. Some recommended sports include swimming and basketball. Bridge stretches, cobra stretches, and hip flexor growth stretches, paired with other exercises and done on a routine, are believed to help individuals grow by 3 inches.
Yoga is one of the methods to help improve height
Another option is doing yoga. Many, if not all, yoga exercises improve posture, which stretches the spin so that you can increase your height by at least a couple of inches. A good but not too challenging exercise is deep breathing. This flushes fresh oxygen into your body, which not only washes away pain and stiffness, it helps you increase your height naturally. Several other yoga exercises are the cat pose, tree pose, triangle post, and sun salutation. You can look up how to do these. There are many blog posts as well as video tutorials on Youtube!
Now that you have reached the end of this post, you have the answer to, “What is the average height of a Filipino?” To complete the picture, you also know the average height of Filipino men and women, whether Filipinos are growing higher, and some tips to become taller. Hopefully, you have found this quick-read informative and interesting!
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