Ilocos Empanada Ingredients And Recipe: Easy, Quick, And Crispy!
Most of us have at least once wondered ‘where are the Ilocos empanada stores near me?’ to grab a quick fix of fried goodies. However, the enjoyment of making your own is nearly as good as that of washing down these bites with vinegar. So now if that idea entices you, here Corner4men will provide you with a list of ilocos empanada ingredients so that you can make these orange, half-moon snacks at home.

The enjoyment of making your own is nearly as good as that of washing down these bites with vinegar.
Knowing how to cook ilocos empanada is beneficial as you can always spend a morning or an afternoon making a batch and enjoy some quality time with your loved ones. Doing something together is a great way to strengthen bonds and since ilocos empanada ingredients are pretty simple and easy to find, the meal is perfect even if you are not very confident with your cooking skills.
Besides, while it is easy to find a restaurant with the dish on the menu, most of these places reuse oil, which is good for diners’ health. So if you are health-conscious, knowing ilocano empanada recipe Philippines will definitely come in handy someday.
Much like kwek-kwek and tokneneng, atsuete oil is used in the recipe to give the dish the signature orange color. A tip here is to roll the dough just thinly enough to encapsulate the filling. There is no exact measurement as each cook will want different sizes for the empanadas but you should leave around 0.5 to 1 inch of dough allowance.
When you have mastered the dough, you can always get creative with ilocos empanada recipe ingredients. There is nothing wrong with the traditional ingredients we know and love but no harm will come to remove some or add something else.
We have kept the unripe papaya but the mung bean sprouts have been omitted. For some tang and creaminess, we use a little kesong puti and chorizo instead of the longganisa. This recipe employs quail eggs because we want to make mini-sized empanadas.
His recipe employs quail eggs because we want to make mini-sized empanadas
The empanadas are deep-fried but you can always bake them with no change to the original recipe. And if you are looking for a quick meal, you can't go wrong with some Pancit Canton with egg!
Ilocos Empanada Ingredients
This recipe yields 10 small empanadas and should take around 50 minutes to prepare.
The Dough
- ¾ cup mochiko rice flour
- 1 tablespoon of atsuete oil
- ¾ cup of water
- salt
The Filling
- 1 pc of grated unripe papaya
- 2 pcs of finely chopped chorizo
- some small cubes of kesong puti
- 10 quail eggs, each for one empanada
- oil to deep fry the empanadas
- pepper and salt
How To Cook
- In a bowl, mix all the ingredients for the dough and knead for a bit.
- To prevent the dough from sticking to the rolling pin or the surface, use wax paper or plastic wraps and roll around ⅛ cup of ilocos empanada dough between them.
- Add a bit of olive oil to a pan, first cook the chorizo, and then pour in the papaya, cook until the vegetable softens. Leave it aside to cool.
- Scoop out a tablespoon of filling and place on top of the shell. Add a quail egg and seal the sides and make sure you do this step carefully to prevent the filling from leaking.
- Deep fry the empanadas and set them aside to drain out the exceeded oil.
- Here is how to eat: serve the empanadas with some garlic vinegar.
Tips: To save time, you can always preheat the deep fryer before you cook the fillings. Since ilocos empanada ingredients are very simple, preparing the filling shouldn’t take too long.
>>> For more recipes, visit Lifestyle.
Should I fry or bake empanadas?
Baking is always easier as you can cook the whole batch at once. There should be no change to the ilocos empanada ingredients as we only switch to another way to cook them. However, don’t expect the same flavors as oil does add its own to the dish.

There should be no change to the ilocos empanada ingredients
You may want to do egg wash even if you bake them for presentation.
How can I reheat ilocos empanada?
Here is how:
- Preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Place the empanadas side-by-side on a rack or a dish (make sure it is oven-safe).
- Set the time at 10 minutes.
- To avoid burning, cover the batch with aluminum foil after baking it for 8 minutes.
How long should I bake empanadas?
Around 30 to 40 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember to rotate them to make sure they are cooked evenly on both sides.
What should I serve with empanadas?
Here are some popular choices:
- Quinoa, kale, and lemon vinaigrette salad.
- Avocado salsa shrimp salad.
- Mexican rice and chicken salad.
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